23-24 Hoya Wrestling Team
A legacy of greatness
The legacy of harrison wrestling began in 1991 under the tutelage of legendary coach Brian Hage. Coach Hage lead a team that became formidable quickly reaching the top ten at the state tournament after only 5 years after the establishment of the program. Harrison was one of the toughest teams in the state year in and year out and won its first state championship during the 1999-2000 season. The program has continued to produce strong teams since this time and the harrison legacy is still very much alive.
Since the inception of the program, harrison wrestling has produced 12 top ten finishes at the state tournament, qualified for the state dual tournament 8 times since the tournament began in 2006. There have been 47 cobb county champions, 82 region champions, 4 sectional champions. The program is proud of its 93 state placers, including 27 finalist with 19 of those winning a state title.
One of the main reasons for the success of the program has been our top dog youth program feeding into the varsity program. The Top Dog programmed was established the same year as the high school program and is invaluable to the success of the Harrison Hoyas. Both the varsity and top dog programs are thriving with sixty at the high school and nearly 100 in the top dog program. We are committed to helping our athletes become great, not just on the mat but off the mat as well. We are dedicated to continuing the strong legacy here at Harrison and would love to have you be a part.
2023-2024 Season
Dual Record 16 - 12
2nd Place at Cobb Co. Invitational
2nd Place at Region Duals
State Duals Qualifier
3rd Place at Traditional Region
11th State Championship
2022-2023 season
Dual Record 32 - 7
4th Place at Cobb Co. Invitational
2nd Place at Regional Duals
2nd Plac at Region Duals
2nd Place at State Dual Quad
2nd Place at Region
12th Place at State
2021-2022 Season
Dual Record 22 - 6
3rd Place at Cobb Co. Invitational
2nd Place Traditional Region
10th Place at State
Our Coaches
High school head coach - jeff crocker
Coach Crocker is a Harrison High School graduate from the class of 1999. He started his wrestling career in the Top Dog junior program then went on to wrestle for the high school team where he won the Cobb County, Region, and State titles at the 215lb weight class his senior year. He continued his wrestling career at Anderson University in 2000-2001. Coach Crocker returned to Harrison as a Community Coach for the 2002-2003 season and remained on as an assistant until 2013, helping coach numerous individual state champions, state placers, and a second place finish at the dual and traditional state tournament in 2008. Coach Crocker returned home to Harrison in 2017 as Head Coach. He was inducted into the Cobb County Hall of Fame in 2022.
high school assistant coach - brandon westerman
Coach Westerman graduated from McEachern High School in 2009 after winning four individual state wrestling championships. During his high school career he amassed a record of 192-12. He continued his wrestling career at Campbellsville University and Marion Military Institute where he was a four time All-American in college. He has been inducted into both the Cobb County Hall of Fame and the Georgia Kids State Hall of Fame. After college, he returned to McEachern as their Assistant Coach until he joined the Harrison HS staff in 2022.
Our program is supported by a handful of community coaches. Perhaps someother type of great words here.
Wrestlerette Program
In addition to being the official score keepers for the wrestling team, our Wrestlerettes keep and maintain stats on every wrestler in the program, video matches for use by the coaches and the wrestlers, and track and inventory equipment and uniforms. Our Wrestlerettes travel with the team to local and out of state tournaments and set up and organize all home tournaments and matches. The Harrison HS Wrestlerettes also generate an amazing amount of enthusiasm and team spirit by creating the match posters, bulletin boards, and banners seen throughout the school.
If you are interested in becoming a Wrestlerette, please Kelli or Kitt. (See below)
wrestlerette sponsor - kitt chapman
Kitt Chapman has served our program for 7 years but has been around wrestling in some capacity since she was 12. She kept score as a middle school student while practicing wrestling on the side. (Girls couldn't wrestle back then!) Chapman teaches all aspects of Biology (AP, Honors, Regular and SPED) at Harrison High School. She is currently trying to attin her doctorate in Science Education at KSU.
If you're interested in becoming a wrestlerette, please email Kit
wrestlerette sponsor - Kelli Connors
Kelli Connors has been the wrestlerette sponsor at Harrison since the 2017 school year. I have been associated with Harrison wrestling since my older brother Chris wrestled for the Hoyas in 1993 and love the sport and all our wrestling families. I have been married to Sean Connors for 25 years and have 2 kids, Meaghan, who was a wrestlerette for 4 years and is a nursing major at UWG. Jackson is a senior at Harrison and has wrestled since 5th grade. I love working with the wrestlerettes and helping to support the program and watch it grow. We have an amazing group of wrestlerettes and have grown from @5 wrestlerettes when I took over the program to @ 12 per year currently. I am honored to be a part of this amazing program and look forward to what will come.
If you're interested in becoming a wrestlerette, please email Kelli
2024 - 2025 Registration Information
Our season runs from November - February with pre-season conditioning starting mid-august
If you're interested in pre-season conditioning, please fill out Coach Crocker's form below.
Parents, the above Coaches form is typically filled out by your wrestler in order to attend pre-season conditioning. Please fill out the below registration form to register your wrestler officially for the season. (Link will be active asap)
Submit your CCSD Atheltic Registration. Infomation Below.
Review the Parent Packet below and submit the necesarry forms to Coach Crocker.
(Please note, this link will not be active until September!)
Wrestler's Fee $435
Wrestlerette's Fee $200
Please submit your payment by clicking on one of the links below. You can also submit your payment by dropping a check in the wrestling room lockbox.
We try to keep our registration costs affordable for everyone with the understanding that each of our wrestlers and their families participate in fundraising efforts to help with seasons costs that the registration does not cover.
Select the link below to see this years fundaising options!
We're always accepting sponsors! Please view our sponsorship page for more information!
Family aka Volunteers
To run our program, we depend on our wrestling families to help during our busy season. We have many volunteer opportunities thoughout the season and we hope that you will join us to help as much as possible. We can't do this without you!
Please use the link below to review and sign our volunteer policy. A deposit check of $150 will be due at the season's Parent Meeting.
Harrison Hoya Wrestling Schedule
Right-click on the image to download your own copy!
Please note, this schedule can chagne throughout the year. Make sure you're signed up on our team communications app - StackTeamSports.
You can email our Booster Secretary for access.
Preseason Conditioning is happening NOW!
Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri from 3:45 - 5:15pm.
If you are interested in getting a headstart on the season, please attend!
Regular season practices begin Oct. 21st. Typically, the practice schedule is Mon - Fri 3:45pm - 6:15pm. Please sign-up for StackTeam to see holiday and tournament week specific schedule changes!
Communication is Key!
we're excited to be using the stack team app for all our communications. schedules, rosters, events and more will all be posted through the app so you can find all the information you need in one place.
Download the "Stack Team App"
Create a Stack Team Account. (You'll be sent an email to activiate your account with stack team.)
Log-in and Search "Harrison Hoya wrestling Team"
Request to be a member. As soon as your request is accepted on our end, you'll have access to all schedules, updates and documents for your team!
Connect with Us!
Thank you to all our Sponors!
Carry-on Properties
Bill Rudd
Rental Properties
Golden Touch PDR
Automotive Body, Paint, and Interior Repair and Maintenance. Contact Elijah Rudd.
Dead Man Media
Contact Jim Goff.
Contact us !
the best way to reach us is to email one of the booster club members directly.
you can find our information on the booster Club page.
4500 Due West Road NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152
© 2019